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Friday, April 8, 2011

Faculty reading

I've started The Elegance of the Hedgehog, loaned to me by Heather.  I like the cranky voice of the concierge.

Billy comments: "I am currently reading Isabel Wilkerson's THE WARMTH OF OTHER SUNS: THE EPIC STORY OF AMERICA'S GREAT MIGRATION.  Wilkerson portrays in a moving way the African-American migration from the South to places like New York City, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Los Angelas by focusing on three individuals and their journeys.  I recommend it."

Anne Treeger Huck is reading Alias Grace (my personal favorite of Margaret Atwood's works).  She is also reading short stories by Stanley Elkin, the fine humorist who taught at Washington University.

John is enjoying Cane River  by Lalita Tademy.

Gerry's recent pick is Grant, a biography of Ulysses S. Grant, by Jean Edward Smith.  " I enjoy reading about the history of America.  The description of the Mexican-American War is very interesting and informative.  I am currently at the point where Grant almost does not find a position with the Union army an the beginning of the Civil War."

Dave tells me he is enjoying Travels With Charley by John Steinbeck.  He recently finished Little Princes: One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal.

Mike says, "I recently finished American Grace by Robert Putnam and David Campbell, an absorbing and quick overview of the role of religion in contemporary society written from a sociological perspective. They made some interesting observations about the increasing numbers of Americans who identify themselves as members of no religion and they do a good job accounting for the growth of the evangelical movement among better educated suburbanites. Much more of a slog was The Unfolding of Language by Guy Deutscher. I enjoy books about the origins and evolution of language, but this book was a bit technical and told me more than I ever wanted to know about the three consonant Semitic verb form."